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                            Nine Meteorological Calculators  (Estimates only!)



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                      Anycalculator  Temperature Conversion
                  Enter a number then click on the appropriate number to see the result.
Fahrenheit (oF)
Celsius (oC)

Wind Chill/Temperature Index Calculation in degrees Fahrenheit

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mile per hour ( mph ), then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill ( WC ).
Tairo F mph
Wind Chill/Temperature Index Calculation in degrees Celsius

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Celsius and wind speed in miles per hour, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill ( WC ).
Tair o C mph

Relative Humidity Calculation using degrees Fahrenheit

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) and dew point temperature ( Tdp) in degrees Fahrenheit ( oF ) then click on the Calculate RH to compute the relative humidity ( RH ).
Tair ( o F ) Tdp ( o F ) RH
Relative Humidity Calculation using degrees Celsius

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) and dew point temperature ( Tdp) in degrees Celsius ( oF ) then click on the Calculate RH to compute the relative humidity ( RH ).
Tair ( o C ) Tdp ( o C ) RH

                        Heat Index Calculation

                              Valid entries are, air temperatures greater than 80 °F ( 27 °C ),

                              dew point temperatures greater than 65 °F ( 12 °C ), and relative

                              humidities higher than 40 percent.

in Celsius

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) and the dew point temperature ( Tdp ) in degrees Celsius, then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index ( HI).
Tair in °C Tdp in °C RH =
in Fahrenheit

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) the dew point temperature ( Tdp ) in degrees Fahrenheit, then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index ( HI).

Tair in °F Tdp in °F RH =
in Celsius

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Celsius and relative humidity ( RH ) in percent ( without the % sign ), then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index ( HI ).

Tair in °C RH Tdp =
in Fahrenheit

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity ( RH ) in percent ( without the % sign ), then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index ( HI ).
Tair in °F RH Tdp =

Humidity- The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.

Fahrenheit- the standard scale used to measure temperature in the United States; in which the freezing point of water is thirty-two degrees and the boiling point is two hundred and twelve degrees.

Celsius- a temperature scale in which zero is the freezing point of water and one hundred is the boiling point.

Heat Index- An index that combines air temperature and humidity to give an apparent temperature (how hot it feels).

Relative Humidity- The amount of water vapor in the air, compared to the amount the air could hold if it was totally saturated. (Expressed as a percentage).

Wind Chill- The additional cooling effect resulting from wind blowing on bare skin. The wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by the combined effects of wind and cold. The (equivalent) wind chill temperature is the temperature the body "feels" for a certain combination of wind and air temperature

Wind Chill Factor- The apparent temperature which describes the cooling effect on exposed skin by the combination of temperature and wind, expressed as the loss of body heat. Increased wind speed will accelerate the loss of body heat.

Wind Speed- The rate at which air is moving horizontally past a given point. It may be a 2-minute average speed (reported as wind speed) or an instantaneous speed (reported as a peak wind speed, or gust).




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