How much does 500MB / 1GB / 2GB of data get you? Most plans, whether pay-as-you-go or contract have some kind of data limitation unless you're on an unlimited plan. You're going to need some kind of data plan. Our handy mobile data usage calculator can help you find out what you can do with your internet allowance. Estimate how much you use before you reach your data limit. You can choose between 100MB and 5GB of data and a range of activities such as: checking emails, listen to music, surf the web, facebook, watch TV, watch YouTube videos, chat on app, use google maps, chat on skype etc. Use this mobile phone data calculator to calculate your data usage based on what you do. Use the data allowance calculator to help avoid extra data allowance charges on your mobile phone data plan. (Estimate only.)

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Mobile Phone Data Calculator (Data Dunk)

Is Your Data Usage On WiFi Getting Counted Towards Your Data Limit?

With the LG Revolution, you cell phone will switch to whichever signal is stronger.  We have strong 4G, so if you walk throughout the house, even though you are on WIFI, the phone could switch to pulling data through the 4G if that signal is stronger.

So, the solution is that you need to disable the data download through the mobile network while at home etc, then re-enable when you leave.

Keep in mind any WIFI can be overridden by a strong 4G signal of your cell phone and your data will be used and not the WIFI!!

This is what I call a DATA DUNK!     You normally will not be told about this loophole, nor is this information any easily available to find.     Home WiFi - Data Usage on WiFi Getting Counted Towards Limit? (Verizon)

(Being a responsible consumer involves....being aware of your usage, knowing what you are paying for, and being pro-active about your cell phone/data use.)

You should not:
~~Wait until you got a huge bill and be surprised
~~Call and blame everyone but yourself for the bill
~~Assume what you were told by whoever (friend? CS rep?) was correct.  (Except if you call my daughter, she is correct and sweet.) :)

You Should:
~~Keep track of and know how much data you were using
~~Know your plan limits and options
~~Call before you got a huge bill to make sure you understood what was going on
~~Take the time to understand your phone, your plan, and your usage

Result - a bill in line with what you expect, best usage of the options available, and a happy customer.

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