Extensive Nutritional Calculators

The Ideal Body Weight (IBW) calculators are designed to calculate the weight for an adult of medium body frame size. For a smaller frame size subtract 10%, for a larger frame size add 10%.


Don't know your body frame size? Use this quick tip: Your body frame refers to the size of your bones. To test the size of your body frame, try to touch the tips of your right middle index finger and thumb around your left wrist.

If the tips of your fingers OVERLAP=Small Body Frame--If fingers TOUCH= Medium Body Frame--ALMOST Touch or aren't close to touching= Large Body Frame.

Determining frame size using the wrist method: To determine the body frame size, measure the wrist with a tape measure and use the following chart to determine whether the person is small, medium, or large boned.

Wrist circumference is measured at the wrist crease, the area between the wrist bone and the bottom of the hand.

WOMEN: height under 5'2"
small = wrist size less than 5.5"
medium = wrist size 5.5" to 5.75"
large = wrist size over 5.75"
height 5'2" to 5' 5"
small = wrist size less than 6"
medium = wrist size 6" to 6.25"
large = wrist size over 6.25"
height over 5' 5"
small = wrist size less than 6.25"
medium = wrist size 6.25" to 6.5"
large = wrist size over 6.5"

height over 5' 5"
small = wrist size 5.5" to 6.5"
medium = wrist size 6.5" to 7.5"
large = wrist size over 7.5"

Ideal Body Weight for Men

Note: if you are exactly 4 feet, 5 feet or 6 feet tall, place a 0 in the inches box. If you do not, the results will be inaccurate. This calculator will work for heights between 4 feet and 6 feet 11 inches.

Enter your height in feet: and inches:

Press button to calculate:

Your result: pounds

Plus or minus 10% to ascertain an Ideal Body Weight range.

Ideal Body Weight for Women

Calories Requirement Calculators For Adults

These Calorie calculators provide information for weight maintenance and are based on the information you provide, such as; height, weight, age, and activity level.

If you are overweight or underweight the calculation may be high or may be low. You can choose a healthy weight for yourself and use that weight in the calculation.

If your goal is to lose weight, say, 1 pound per week, subtract 500 calories per day from the current daily intake. If your goal is to gain weight, say, 1 pound per week, add 500 calories per day to the current daily intake. Theoretically this works because 1 pound of fat represents 3500 calories (500 calories per day multiplied by 7 days equals 3500 calories). If you have questions regarding your weight and calorie intake, you should visit a registered dietician.

Calorie Calculator for Adult Males

Note: If you are exactly 5 feet or 6 feet tall, place a 0 in the inches box. If you leave the inches box empty, the results will be inaccurate.
Enter your height in feet: and inches:

Enter your weight in pounds:

Enter your age in years:

Activity level:
Press button to calculate:

Your result: calories

Calorie Calculator for Adult Females
Note: if you are exactly 5 feet or 6 feet tall, put a 0 in the inches box. If you leave the inches box empty, the results will be inaccurate.
Fat Gram Calculator

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There is all kinds of data available that tells you how many calories you should consume each day to maintain your ideal weight. We know that calories aren't the only thing to be concerned about: fat intake is also important to watch.

If you know how many calories your diet allows each day, this calculator will calculate how many grams of fat you can consume in order to stay within government recommended guidelines.

How many calories do you consume per day:

Grams of allowable fat intake:

The Body Mass Index (BMI) determines body fat according to the relationship of your weight and height. A BMI less than 20 is considered to be a low BMI for most people. A low BMI MAY indicate underweight and MAY be associated with health problems for some people. A BMI of 20-25 is considered to be good. It may therefore, indicate a healthy weight for most people. A BMI of greater than 25 is considered to be high for most people. This MAY indicate overweight or obesity and MAY increase the risk of developing health problems.

Note: if you are exactly 5 feet or 6 feet tall, place a 0 in the inches box. If you leave the inches box empty, the results will be inaccurate.
Enter your height in feet: and inches:

Enter your weight in pounds:

Press button to calculate your BMI:

Your result:
NOTE: These values do not apply to athletes and body builders, pregnant and nursing women, frail or elderly persons or persons under 18.

Physical Activity Calculator - Gym Activities
Enter your weight in pounds:
Enter number of minutes:

Press button to calculate:

Your result: calories burned

Physical Activity Calculator - Sports and Training Activities
Enter your weight in pounds:
Enter number of minutes:

Press button to calculate:

Your result: calories burned

Physical Activity Calculator - Outdoor, Home, and Daily Life Activities
Enter your weight in pounds:
Enter number of minutes:

Press button to calculate:

Your result: calories burned

AnyCalculator.com    |    StreamZones.com     |     CellularClean.com    |     ExactWeather.com

Use these extensive nutritional calculators to find bmi, ideal body weight, calorie calculators, overwieght, underwieght, calories, calorie intake, diet, fat grams, body mass index, aerobics, weight, Physical Activity Calculator - Occupational Activities,  Calculator - Outdoor, Home, and Daily Life Activities, Total body weight for men and women, body frame size calculator, Calories Requirement Calculators For Adults, Physical Activity Calculator - Gym Activities, Physical Activity Calculator - Sports and Training Activities