Truck Bed Volume

Calculate Volume of a Truck Bed (Estimate)

Data Entry

Length: In Inches

Width: In Inches

Height: In Inches


Cubic Feet:

Cubic Yards:

Cords of Wood:

How To Use This Truck Bed
Volume Calculator.

Enter length in inches, width in inches,
and height in inches.

Calculates truck bed volume in cubic feet,
and Cubic Yards.

Also Calculates Chord Wood Volume

Allow for any tire wells in truck bed.
Truck Bed Volume Calculator.

Rookie Drivers: Time Management Tips

Sometimes It's All About Parking

Try To Avoid Getting Caught In Heavy Traffic

Getting Loaded And Unloaded Early

Rest Before You Become Too Exhausted

Putting It All Together

So if you can manage to avoid many of the traffic delays, find easy parking when you need it, try to get some of your appointment times moved ahead, and rest before you become too exhausted, you'll be able to turn more miles, make more money, feel more energetic, be a safer driver, and please your company immensely with the same amount of sleep as a driver with less-efficient time management skills.

And what mileage goals should you shoot for? In your first six months on the road as a rookie I would say about 2400-2700 miles per week would be a solid goal to shoot for. From about six months to a year on the road you can up it a little bit - maybe 2600-2900 miles per week. After you've been on the road for a year you should be able to run about 3000 miles or so per week on average safely without burning out.

KJV Audio Bible

Any calculation, summary, description, or paraphrase of a regulatory requirement on this site is intended to provide general guidance only.  Please consult the text of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for a full account of the applicable requirements. All calculations should be confirmed and checked before using. Requirements and calculations can change as regulations change.

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